Science V.S. Story: Confusion.
Science and storytelling - are they mortal enemies? Here's a thought - we can't actually pit Science V.S. Storytelling because...
Science V.S. Story: Confusion.
This is your brain on comedy: It's Alive!
We can't take Comedy seriously...can we?
Who are you? Stand-up & find out
Why studying Stand-up Comedy was good for us?
How teaching taught me to Stand-up
Stand-up to 'Find your voice' & your teaching style.
Stand-up & Be Confident
What's the problem with Assessment?
Assessment: do we really need it?
Time to take Stand-up Comedy & Teaching seriously.
Stand-up comedy: Speaking out & Searching in
So I studied Stand-up comedy ‘what’s that all about?’
Listen & Learn About the History of Oracy
Listen & Learn: how to Speak Up!
Teacher wellbeing, we need to Listen & look out...for what is being unsaid.
Oracy: Real Talk, Not Rhetoric